The Mandala Deck Oracle & Inspiration for February 5, 2019

Shining our light into practical earthly endeavors can seem daunting, especially if we believe we are in it alone. This card speaks to serving as a bridge between worlds, with our ancestors encouraging, guiding and befriending us. Imagine a social media network between heaven and earth. What message boards are you on with relatives from the other side? Who would you like to send you a friend request? Imagining that texting, messaging, FaceTime, Skype are all available: who would you like to hear from and what would you ask them? You don’t need to be a direct descendant to set up this communication. Frida Khalo and Georgia O’Keefe are in my personal contacts folder. They both have helped me tremendously in staying with the creative process. This February new moon ushers in a time of relative (pun intended) ease with all planets moving forward. Work we have put into past endeavors is a springboard into a new era. We build on what came before us. And we have help.